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Staff list

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boa stage and screen production staff

Senior Leadership Team
Michael Painter Principal
James Latham  Assistant Principal
Michelle Hill Assistant Principal, DSL & SENCO


screen department
Louise Tugwell Head of Department (Screen)
Tayyib Mahmood Specialist in Broadcast and Film
Dwane Perks Specialist in Writing and Directing
Shireenah Ingram Specialist in Acting and Performance
Liam Millard Resident Industry Practitioner (Film)
Steve Fishwick Resident Industry Practitioner (Film)


stage department
Ruth Morgan Head of Department (Stage)
Maddy Scott Specialist in Hair and Make Up
Luke Johnson Specialist in Technical Theatre
Leanne Fitchett Resident Industry Practitioner (Costume)
Duncan Hammond Resident Industry Pratitioner (Props)


Academic Department                                   
Suzannah King English, EPQ, Newsroom
Safwaan Sadique Maths, Business, Economics
Michelle Hill Maths


Student Support
Megan Rogers Pastoral Manager & Careers Advisor
Lloyd Jones Learning Support Assistant
Emily Lewis Learning Support Assistant
Piper Jady Near Peer Facilitator (Adult programmes)


Technical and Support Staff
Russell Morton Senior Site Supervisor
Lewis Hooper Screen Technician
Isabel Porter Stage Technician
Rajesh Dhokia Site Team
Chantelle Nolan Beach Academy Administrator and Receptionist


boa group staff

Kate Tague Chief Executive Officer
Mark Allen Director of Operations
Kate Wallace Acting Chief Financial Officer
Rola Raad Health and Safety Lead
Zoe James Head of Student Recruitment & Marketing
Beth Bell Admissions Officer
Megan Wilkes Admissions Officer
Emma Ferguson Marketing & Sales Officer
Lucy Averis Administration Assistant
Wayne Adams MIS and Data Manager
Christopher Barfoot PA to CEO
Gill Neuenhaus Finance Officer
Hukam Jan Finance Assistant
Sandra Alozie Finance Assistant
Sarah MacNulty Finance Assistant