Pastoral Support
BOA Stage and Screen Production is an inclusive academy where we celebrate diversity and seek to nurture the gifts of each individual through high quality teaching and learning and dedicated pastoral care. We want our students to be safe, happy, healthy and well-nurtured individuals, that are able to achieve and make a positive contribution to Academy life and society.
All students are allocated to a tutor group which meets several times a week. The tutor is the first point of contact for parents and carers and oversees the personal and academic welfare of students, through a combination of informal contact and structured sessions. In addition, regular individual tutorials take place, at which students can discuss academic progress and any other issues.
Tutors receive regular feedback from subject teachers and will also monitor attendance and punctuality.
We place a strong emphasis on the importance of students’ personal development.
Students have regular tutorials with their tutor who has an oversight of their progress and wellbeing. These meetings ensure students feel supported and play a key role in ensuring that students are directed to the best careers and higher education advice.
At BOA Stage and Screen Production students are expected to work independently, however we never underestimate the important role parents and carers continue to play in the academic success of our students. In both Year 12 and 13, students will receive a termly progress report and a full written report at the end of the academic year. Communication between parents and carers is paramount and parents/carers are invited to a annual progress review evening, where students are also expected to attend.
If we become concerned that a student is at risk of underperforming, we will be in touch – and we expect parents/carers to get in touch with us if they have similar concerns.
At BOA Stage and Screen Production we work in partnership with professionals in the Creative Industries to help to drive forward a programme which raises aspirations, challenges stereotypical thinking and promotes equality and diversity. Students are able to seek advice on an ongoing basis. This includes higher education choices, work placements, job opportunities and internships.
We value the opinions and input of our students on all matters, and seek their views through formal and informal channels. Students are encouraged to discuss all matters of concern with their tutor in the first instance.
We have a Student Board which is actively involved in decision making. The student ambassadors meet regularly to bring the student body's perspective to the management and leadership of the academy. They discuss issues affecting student and academy life, resources and social events.